Best Self-Editing Tools for Academics

Rose Ernst
3 min readMay 8, 2019

You’ve finished writing an article.


Before sending it off, you’ll want to give it extra editing love. Unfortunately, your eyes turn blurry when you read the first sentence.

Time for an online editing program.

But which one is best for academic papers?

I’ve used a variety over the past four years and found that each can perform a different function.

The following contains affiliate links only for programs I’ve used and recommended. If you use the links, I receive a small commission that helps sustain my writing. Thank you!

1. Pro-Writing Aid

Cost: Free for online use only, $60/70 premium annual subscription (often run sales)

If you want to purchase only one program to improve your writing, this is it. I’m a wordy writer — as many academics are — so PWA’s “glue index” (filler words) is invaluable.

PWA also includes style, grammar, overused words, readability, clichés, diction…

