Spend the First 10 Minutes of Your Day Feeling Good
That’s it. No meditation required.
What happens when you first wake up?
Do you grab your phone and start scrolling, only to be flooded with other people’s emotions? Or, given these challenging times, do you check the news? Do you groan because you have to get to work? Do you leap out of bed to make breakfast for the kids?
Or do you just hit the snooze button? Maybe twice?
My morning routine first developed out of necessity. And now I’m sticking to it.
If I jump out of bed immediately, I get nauseous. No idea why, but that’s just how I am. So I used to hit the snooze button.
Then I used to lie in bed and let my mind wander — which sometimes was pleasant, but more often than not turned to worry. This is hardly surprising given that our brain has a “negativity bias” where it continually scans for danger, according to Dr. Samuel Paul Veissière:
“Any cue that contains information about potential dangers and threats will jump…